Dienstag, 1. März 2011

Sharing is caring: Goal Setting

Dear Ana,

Since I started to study, I have learned a lot about goal setting and how it influences the way I live. Especially the experiences from AIESEC showed me how goal setting helps you achieve the things you dream of and to not lose track of your goals.

An example: When I finished high school, I decided to study international business communication in English and French. My studies were not really what I expected them to be, both content and people wise. I had built up this huge idealistic image of university life that I was vastly disappointed when I was confronted with reality. I knew very soon that I was going to switch to another profession and ended up in the English department, which I loved very much. The entire process of switching and deciding was very difficult and somehow painful because I did not really know what I was good at and what I wanted. A year after I switched, I suddenly realized why I had signed up for international business communication: I really loved the German-French TV station ARTE and I had the goal to work for them, I just had pushed it away from me, being too concerned about not being content. Today, I think that I might have tried harder to pursue my first study line, if I hadn’t lost that goal out of my view.

In AIESEC, I learnt fast how to do goal setting and I use some personal methods for myself, when I have to make decisions or want to check my path. And it makes me more conscious about my choices and changing mind.

Currently I have to decide what to do after my internship. I know that I want to take a MA degree starting October and I also know what I want to study, I am just not sure how to use the time until then. This is a good reason to look at my life from a bird perspective and to refresh my goals in order to know what is important for me and which values I have gained in the recent past.

In this video I go through my goals and reflect a bit on them. Funny fact: I did it in pajama pants, as I actually was sick today. Below you find an introduction to why I chose the spaces and how I filled them.

Here is my Banana Goal Setting from today:

It is important to know what I want to achieve on a personal level, because my professional decisions depend on it and I get a clear picture what is important to me as a person right now.

I want to recapture why I did the things that I did and where I want to go. I also put down what is important for me during this journey.

The above goals can somehow be measured, my fluffy goals are more the mindset of my lifestyle. It is things I want to remember doing or act upon on my way to the other goals.

Here, I put down what opportunities and challenges I see for my goals right now. I list down every opportunity I have, no matter how I think about it and then list the challenges I face. These can be real life challenges like lack of money, or just personal obstacles.

These charts cannot be filled in one night, I just got started tonight. I already saw that I forgot to put down my guitar playing as a personal goal. I do these things very intuitive and don’t use any SMART method or whatsoever. I am more concerned about getting my thoughts on paper and to order them. I can structure them and make them measurable along the way.

So tell me, did you find this post useful? What would you do differently?

1 Kommentar:

  1. Anna!!! Thanks so much!!

    It is indeed very helpful, will do my personal development goal as well this weekend and will share the outputs with you :)
