Sonntag, 21. Juni 2009

My discovery of vblogging!

Today is a weird day. It's raining outside and I am in this crazy excited mood, where I am not able to actually do something constructive. So I am procrastinating in an innovative way, as I am not doing what I am supposed to, like packing my stuff for moving, but I let my inspiration boil in my mind about my next steps in AIESEC until they are ready to get out to the world. The soundtrack of my thoughts is still Emilia Torrini with "Big Jumps". I just talked to Fernando, my local vice president of finance and very good friend, and he told me he just has created a blog himself. He wanted me to take a look, it was not at all finished, but he posted his two favorite youtube videos, which he had shown me quite a couple of times before. As I am in the not-packing-inspiration mood, I watched them again and landed on an one hour lecture of Michael Wesch, a professor in anthropology. He gave an anthropological introduction to youtube. This is especially interesting for me, as I study this kind and it made me think about the possibilities connected to the online world out there. I am not a computer minded person at all, but I really think that if we use this space in a smart way, we really can have an impact. AIESEC International created a path to this mindset, now we just have to grab the opportunities and use them in a creative manner. One thing: It is actually possible to have a vivid communication with my local External Relations responsibles, if they actively participate in it. Second thing: Why the hack to we still waste time on approaching conservative media like newspapers and TV, which is quite expensive, and actually use online spaces instead. Come on! So, the thing is that I created a google group and invited all new ER's to it, but nobody responded. WELL! Now, I am going to post a video on this beautiful group and make them start communicating with me and each other. This is the result. I am now officially out there. With my face, poking my ear while I talk, have a stupid hair thing in my face and do what I am best at, babbling about what I think. It actually takes me like 3 minutes to end my speech, I am not able to say: "That's it! Good bye!" But bare with me, it is an authentic picture of Anna Banana on a Sunday afternoon, getting all proactive and inspired :-)

Ok, so here is the video that really inspired me:

And this is my proactive reaction to it:

Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2009

Terror, Excitement, Stress!

In two weeks, I'll start my term as Member Committee Vice President of External Relations. The past twoo weeks, I have struggled to finish my Bachelor degree more or less successfull and now all I have to do is wait for the results of my final exams. But fortunately I do not really have time to think of all this, as everything is kind of culminating right now. It seems like a wave of four years in Odense is dashing over me and all I can feel in my stomach are a million butterflies, because everybody, EVERYBODY!, I meet is happy and friendly and somehow the city of Odense says "Goodbye! It was cool having you here. Please come back some day and enjoy your time inbetween!". And I say thank you, Odense and "Hello Copenhagen!". This weekend I have to pack and sort out what I want to take with me to that tiny room in Frederiksberg, where my dearest friend Alenxandra will live just a room away and we'll support each other, have fun and talk all night, like we used to. Next week, my mom will come and help me move, she will also be there for my birthday. I really do not know when to say goodbye to anyone, when to thank all the nice people for all the things they have done. I really feel blessed with everything happening right now and I hope this feeling will last for a while. I know, the next year will show me yet unknown challenges, but it'll all be good, because I will go out stronger than before. And, last but not least, I can hope for going to Malaysia for the AIESEC International Congress, the biggest conference a year, with people from the whole world, really! Life is exciting. I hope to be able to share as much as possible.

Samstag, 13. Juni 2009

And why am I doing this?

While travelling through the wide universe of cyberspace instead of working on my project, I have found this amazing song and video from Emilia Torrini. It's really worth sharing and I hope it makes you as happy as it made me. Sunshine greetings!

Montag, 8. Juni 2009

The Fountain

Ok, before I start watching the making of this amazing film, I have to share how amazing it is. I bought the DVD ages ago after I have seen it once and was truly touched by the story. It was clear that I had to see the film more than once in order to understand it completely, so when I saw the DVD I just bought it. And there it was, staring at me whenever I looked for a movie to watch, but the mood was never right, I was afraid of getting my excitement of the film destroyed, so it waited until tonight. I finally picked it and was, as I mentioned, amazed. I still have to figure out the message completely (making of!), but I think you should definitily watch the trailer and soon the movie. And again it becomes clear: I need a basic introduction into philosophy. Any book at hand?

Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2009


OK, I've been to London, which probably also has a quite big share of feeling alive, mentioned in my post before. It was an amazingly motivating trip. London is THE place to go alone, I can only recommend it to the rest of the world, as there is something to see and be for every type of person. There are only a few people I want to share this amazing city with (Henni!) and they have to be able to stay away from some shop-aholical behaviors. Instead they should wear good walking shoes and be ready to visit museums, theaters, and bookstores. Of course I had to do a bit of work, but I still managed to see a couple of nice places. Like Portobello Road, where I have not been since I was 14.
Before I had to leave I rushed to my favorite place in London, the National Gally and spent some minutes looking at Van Gogh and Degas, especially "La Coiffure", which I would love to have as a poster in my room. The atmosphere of the city was great and I hope to remember the small boy I saw, running around in Hide Park dressed in some kind of animal suit, as well as the cute pizza place, where I had a great lunch. And I regret not to have given some money to the disgusting, smelling soldier, who was wearing bandages on his feet and had burn marks all over his face. Why couldn't I jump over my own shadow? And next time I visit London, I have to see a play at "The Globe", a reconstruction of the theatre Shakespeare used to launch his plays.
Next to the more tourist parts of the city, I had to attend the AIESEC Western Europe and Northern American External Relations Summit, shortly the WENA ER summit, which sounds quite fancy, but was actually very informative and interesting, and I learned a lot. We were about 20 people from all over Europe who discussed the direction of our sales strategy next year and who tried to prepare for the next term and learned from the current Vice Presidents how to create results in our area. The people I met were amazing and the thing I am most happy about is the network we are building up, it looks like we are going to stay in contact during our term and help each other with problems only we can really understand. I have to admit: I am so looking forward to getting started. Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement!

Becoming who you are

You know, I started this blog out of some reflex that hit me when I was beginning to think a lot about the sense of my current affairs and thoughts. I'm not a person who puts everything in her blog in order to spam the world with gimmicks she found on her internet journeys and therefore I write down my thoughts here once in a while, without trying to create a great piece of art.
Some habits can be dangerous and a blog can help you to stay awake and make conscious decisions, because you have the chance to reflect and get input from others at the same time. I caught myself in following a flow of actions and events just dropping into new tasks and roles, because they seemed interesting for a couple of minutes and then I suddenly wake up, look around me and wonder where I am heading. My original goal seems quite far away sometimes, so I take the time now to create my life consciously. The more I look around me and started the process of looking behind habits, I feel a huge urge for some kind of philosophy book, which introduces me into the basic patterns of human reasoning. At the same time I began to define what I support around me and which actions I want to stay out of. And somehow I became more happy. I know what to fight for, what to be passionate about and this gives me a sense of safety I have been looking for.
Part of my self-defining process included the question if my involvement in AIESEC is something that helps me achieving the goals I have and to become the person that I want to be. I have realized that the organization needs people like me, because we look out for the right direction and question habits. There will always be people who think certain actions are ok, that the goal should justify the means, and if everyone just nods, we lose track. AIESEC is a great way to discover what you are good at, and where not and also to find out, where you want to go. And no, I do not want to work with some brainless big shot company. Never ever, but I want to learn how to organize myself and others, to achieve a different goal than profit. And yes, AIESEC is the right place to be for me right now. I consider to apply for the Ethics subcommittee, maybe I can contribute a bit there.
I do not know if it is summer or just me, but I am less afraid, more open and see more positive things around, which I would generally see as quite positive. It's good to feel alive.