Sonntag, 21. Juni 2009

My discovery of vblogging!

Today is a weird day. It's raining outside and I am in this crazy excited mood, where I am not able to actually do something constructive. So I am procrastinating in an innovative way, as I am not doing what I am supposed to, like packing my stuff for moving, but I let my inspiration boil in my mind about my next steps in AIESEC until they are ready to get out to the world. The soundtrack of my thoughts is still Emilia Torrini with "Big Jumps". I just talked to Fernando, my local vice president of finance and very good friend, and he told me he just has created a blog himself. He wanted me to take a look, it was not at all finished, but he posted his two favorite youtube videos, which he had shown me quite a couple of times before. As I am in the not-packing-inspiration mood, I watched them again and landed on an one hour lecture of Michael Wesch, a professor in anthropology. He gave an anthropological introduction to youtube. This is especially interesting for me, as I study this kind and it made me think about the possibilities connected to the online world out there. I am not a computer minded person at all, but I really think that if we use this space in a smart way, we really can have an impact. AIESEC International created a path to this mindset, now we just have to grab the opportunities and use them in a creative manner. One thing: It is actually possible to have a vivid communication with my local External Relations responsibles, if they actively participate in it. Second thing: Why the hack to we still waste time on approaching conservative media like newspapers and TV, which is quite expensive, and actually use online spaces instead. Come on! So, the thing is that I created a google group and invited all new ER's to it, but nobody responded. WELL! Now, I am going to post a video on this beautiful group and make them start communicating with me and each other. This is the result. I am now officially out there. With my face, poking my ear while I talk, have a stupid hair thing in my face and do what I am best at, babbling about what I think. It actually takes me like 3 minutes to end my speech, I am not able to say: "That's it! Good bye!" But bare with me, it is an authentic picture of Anna Banana on a Sunday afternoon, getting all proactive and inspired :-)

Ok, so here is the video that really inspired me:

And this is my proactive reaction to it:

1 Kommentar:

  1. nice room hahahaah sådan kan det gå. tror ikke det er meningen at man skal have pakket færdig inden man flytter.

    "Charlie bit me" er da klart den bedste youtube video. - har du set hjemmesiden?? Man kan købe merchendise med de to knægte :P

    oh well, må se resten af din video senere. Virtuelt ScaLDS agenda møde starter nu.. altså lige nu.. om 2 min.. når jeg ahr hentet min vandfflaske.. pis, nu er der kun 1 min igen.

    ses sveske!! *knuuus*

