Freitag, 27. August 2010

Take a Rest and cut off the Past

Whenever something ends and you start something new, there is a grey zone, it can be long, thick, sometimes you do not even feel it, because you don’t have the time to feel. This time I took my time for the grey zone. I prepared not to prepare for the next steps and suddenly I am caught in this mix of melancholy and urge to continue. I think that it is important that you finalize the last thoughts in your head, that you mentally finish what you have started some time back. The process of mentally finishing something takes sometimes longer than actually finishing it.

I ran away after my job in Copenhagen was done. I could not get on that plane fast enough, leaving all the stress and the pressure behind. Even though I went straight into a new adventure, I was caught up by my past in dreams. It would not let me slip as fast as I wanted it to go away. My subconscious was telling me that everything experienced had importance. It also showed me what I wanted more than other things. Slowly I stopped getting haunted in my dreams.

At the end of our trip, I went to the hairdresser and got my hair cut off. It is some kind of ritual I have, every time I open a new chapter in my life. It’s like cutting off everything that happened in the past and that held you back. It helps to start fresh.

I lived the adventure of the Asian subcontinent of India and came back home happy and exhausted. Now I started my next steps. It’s extremely exciting, looking for jobs and apartments; doing one thing, dreaming of another, not having a clue whether I will be able to afford anything. The grey zone gives you space to dream. Suddenly there appear goals and longings that did not have the space in past ventures. Now, finally, I am able to think big. I want to try out new things, stuff I have put off, because “I did not have the time”. So I am practicing the guitar, with slow progress. I will learn how to sew and I will make a calendar all by myself. Who knows, when more things are settled, I might even join a choir.

So here is one advice: Whenever you finish something big, take a rest in the grey zone and from there start out to your new ventures with a smile on your face.

P.S.: The hair:

1 Kommentar:

  1. This cutting of the hair ritual will probably be frowned upon in the city of Amritsar. A conspiracy to wipe out smaller religions like mine.
