Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2010

Bad Luck

There is a band called Bad Luck. I will try and listen today.
Yesterday I lived my new addiction on the train: Soduko. It catches me so much, that I forget time and space and just concentrate on the numbers. The result being, that I missed my stop, had to return to the orginal station and try and reach the next train. I failed. This resulted in me missing my hometrain by two minutes. The home train is a regional shuttle which only leaves every hour. I was freaking tired and angry, every minute is holy to me after work and spending it at a train station is really not what I had planned. So I did some slow motion food shopping, got a Döner Kebab for dinner and passed the rest of the time with Soduko. And thus I reached my village, got off the train only to notice that someone had stolen my bycicle. I go nuts! What have I done to be punished like this? It’s totally not fair. I walked home, called my mom and complained, she just said „It’s all gonna be alright“ – yea right. The walk home did me good, I liked the evening air and had the chance to reflect a bit. I hadn’t reflected for a while and it really made me see some things, I did not notice so far. So with all the bad luck and all the misery, I somehow managed to get something good out of it. I really wanted to be pissed off, now I am just tired, which is OK.

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