Mittwoch, 24. November 2010

...and forget her, too!?

One of my most favorite songs right now is „F**k you“ by Ceelo Green. It’s one of these super awesome songs that makes you wanna dance every time you hear it, even at 6 in the morning. I love the irony and the honesty of the song and really think it speaks for a lot of people. Yes, sometimes you want to say that phrase to certain people and yes, they deserve it. I also deserve it most of the time, when someone dares to tell me to f**k off. It’s ok. I understand. So why the hack is the U.S. industry changing the song to “Forget you”? It changes the meaning of the song so immensely that I cannot stand it any more. Now I heard the censored version on a German radio station and hated it! We are allowed to play the nasty version, so do so!
So for all of you, who are into the real shit, here is the original version:

And I pitty the people whom even YouTube does not allow to play the version. It's too good!

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