Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2010

You are the SECOND best! Woohoo!?

Today is the second of December. I will use this opportunity to make a stand for the number two.

I do not know if you are, but I am the classical number two. I am mostly quite ok at what I do, I genereally get what I want if I work hard for it, but there will always be a number one somewhere around me. If it really comes to it, I am number two, a good number two, but not the first.

The good thing about it is the stress relief: Everybody will expect much more from number one than from me. I am there to help, when number one cannot handle all the pressure alone, but it is number one who will get the honor. But yea, the pressure is more on number one than on me.

On the other side: the saying goes, the second is also the first loser. True story. At the same time people will respect me for my effort and my enthusiasm and being number two is definitely better than being number 15 all of your life.

It is the same with the second of December. For those who celebrate Christmas and have Christmas calendars, the time before December is always full of excitement. The night before the first, kids and many grown ups get super excited, because they get to open the first door of their Christmas calendar. In the morning of the first of December, the quite cheap chocolate from the Christmas calendar melts on your tongue like a Belgium truffle. On the second December the excitement is still quite high, but on the 15th, it’s just the cheap chocolate. You eat it and that’s it.

So this is to all the number two’s: You are awesome! Be good at what you do and use your elbows if necessary – you deserve to be noticed!

I wish you many positive snow flakes and hot chocolate and a good book on this beautiful second of December!

Picture: Getty Images #103912286

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